Desert Rock

Beiträge zum Thema Desert Rock

She and the Junkies @ dasBach / EUROPEAN JUNK TOUR START

there you have it...from tonight we'll be on tour through europe! lots of cities to see, lots of people to meet, lots of music to play! And of course, we start the tour in the beautiful DasBACH! Let us say goodbye to as many people as possible and be prepared for a very special show. very special support: Engel Mayr tickets: vvk: € 5.-- / ak: € 7.-- vvk tickets: "" Wann: 23.05.2014 20:00:00 Wo: Bach, Bachgasse 21, 1160 Wien auf Karte anzeigen

  • Wien
  • Ottakring
  • Tom Deimbacher

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