
Beiträge zum Thema Linedance-Sport

Temptation Walk

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 11

Temptation Walk Link zur Temptation-Walk-Demo Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner ohne Vorkenntnisse) 31.07.-28.08.2014 Details Kursleitung Christine Nagy Linedance-Instructor seit 1996 Website Do The Temptation Walk Temptation Walk

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Gehe Linedancing, weil du es kannst

Linedance: Cowboy Charleston Routine: 16 Count Ausführung: 4 Wall Level: Beginner Choreo: J. Hall & T. Miller Music: Cowboy Charleston by Scooter Lee Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten 31.07.-28.08.2014 Details Beginner-Level Keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich Für Senioren geeignet Kursleitung Christine Nagy Linedance-Instructor seit 1996 Website

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 10

Hitchhiker Hitch hike was a dance craze of the 1960s. It started with the 1963 Marvin Gaye hit 'Hitch Hike' and refueled with the gold disc of Vanity Fare 'Hitchin' a Ride' (1969). The dance is extremely simple and is based on the hitchhiking gesture: waving the stuck-out thumb. The classical Motown pattern is three times right thumb to the right over the shoulder, clap hands, three times left thumb to the left over the shoulder, clap hands. All this is accompanied by the shimmy body ripples...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 9

Egyptian Link zur Egyptian-Demo Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner ohne Vorkenntnisse) 31.07.-28.08.2014 Details Kursleitung Christine Nagy Linedance-Instructor seit 1996 Website Egypt Strut

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 8

Skate Link zur Skate-Demo Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner ohne Vorkenntnisse) 31.07.-28.08.2014 Details Kursleitung Christine Nagy Linedance-Instructor seit 1996 Website Skate Now

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Senioren-Linedance Video 17

Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner ohne Vorkenntnisse) 31.07.-28.08.2014 Details Kursleitung Christine Nagy Linedance-Instructor seit 1996 Website Super Simple

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy
Mashed Potato

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 7

Mashed-Potato The 'Mashed Potato' is a dance move which was a popular dance craze of 1962. It was danced to songs such as Dee Dee Sharp's "Mashed Potato Time". The move vaguely resembles that of the Twist, by Sharp's fellow Philadelphian, Chubby Checker. Wikipedia Link zur Mashed-Potato-Demo Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner ohne Vorkenntnisse) 02.07.-30.07.2014 Details Kursleitung Christine Nagy Linedance-Instructor seit 1996 Website Mashed Potato...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 6

Shimmy The Shimmy is a dance in which the body is held still, except for the shoulders, which are alternated back and forth. When the right shoulder goes back, the left one comes forward. It may help to hold the arms out slightly bent at the elbow and, when the shoulders are moved, keep the hands in the same position. Link zur Seite Link zur Shimmy-Demo Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner ohne Vorkenntnisse) 02.07.-30.07.2014 Details Kursleitung...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 5

Swim The Dance Crazes of the 1960s. Another dance craze that was popular was Bobby Freeman's 'The Swim'. Here are some of the lyrics from Bobby Freeman's hit "C'mon Let's Swim" to give you an idea of how the dance was performed. C'mon everybody, c'mon in Bobby's gonna show you how to do the swim Kinda like the monkey, kinda like the twist Pretend you're in the water and you go like this Now baby swim, baby do the swim Just like the dog but not so low Like the hully gully but not so slow Now...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 4

Pony The Pony was a dance made popular in the 1960s by the Chubby Checker song "Pony Time". The beat is 1&2, 3&4, etc. In the dance the feet are kept comfortably together, while various arm and hand motions are possible. Movement around the dance floor may occur, but there is no line-of-dance. Couples, who generally face each other, do not touch and turns and chase positions are possible. Wikipedia Link zur Pony-Demo Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Senioren-Linedance Video 13

Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner ohne Vorkenntnisse) 31.07.-28.08.2014 Details Kursleitung Christine Nagy Linedance-Instructor seit 1996 Website I Love To Dance

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 3

Monkey The monkey is a novelty dance, most popular in 1963. The dance was popularized by two R&B records: Major Lance's "The Monkey Time", and the Miracles' "Mickey's Monkey" both Top 10 Pop hits released during the summer of 1963. Wikipedia Monkey-Dance-Movements 1. Taking a fighter's crouch, face your partner and stand with feet apart, knees bent. Bend arms and close fists, thumbs up. 2. Bend forward from waist to the left, raising right arm. As your body bobs, your head also bobs forward on...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 2

Jerk The Jerk was a popular dance in the 1960s. It is similar to the monkey. The arms move and hands move as if conducting. The wrists cross in front of the chest and then sweep out in time, or at half time, with the music. The hands are up at face level. On count 1, the outward sweep, the hands are quickly pushed out, giving the jerky motion. For a little more style, the fingers may be snapped on the two outward movements—the first and third counts of the hand motion. Wikipedia Link zur...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Senioren-Linedance Video 11

Nächster Linedance-Kurs Wien-Favoriten Für Senioren geeignet Level 0 (Beginner ohne Vorkenntnisse) 31.07.-28.08.2014 Details Kursleitung Christine Nagy Linedance-Instructor seit 1996 Website Flower Bud

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

Linedances der 1960er Jahre. Christy Lane Demo 1

Twist Der Twist (Englisch twist = Drehung, Verdrehung) war ein Modetanz im 4/4-Takt, der in den frühen 1960er Jahren populär wurde und zu Rock ’n’ Roll, Rhythm and Blues oder spezieller Twist-Musik getanzt wird. Der Sänger Chubby Checker machte diesen Tanz mit seinen Hits 'The Twist' im Juli 1960 und 'Let’s Twist Again' im Juni 1961 weltweit populär. Ein besonderes Merkmal dieses Paartanzes ist, dass sich die Partner beim Tanzen nicht berühren. Musikalische Bedingung, um den Twist von anderen...

  • Wien
  • Meidling
  • Christine Nagy

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