Kunst und Kulturvermittlung 2030
Kunst- und (interkulturelle)Vermittlung im Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs
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ArtImpact 2030: Art & Intercultural Mediation in Sustainability Discourse.
Veranstaltungsdatum: am 22.11.2018 um 10.30 im Haus der Vereinten Nationen /Nachmittag im Kunst Haus Wien
ArtImpact2030 wurde als zivilgesellschaftliche Initiative mit Beiträgen aus künstlerischen Sparten zur Verwirklichung von Globalen Nachhaltigkeitszielen durch Partnerschaften im Feld der Kulturdiplomatie von ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Präsidentin, ins Leben gerufen.
Wie kann die Kunst- und die (interkulturelle) Kulturvermittlung zur Verwirklichung von
globalen Nachhaltigkeitszielen (UN SDG´s) beitragen?
Welche Partnerschaften und Kooperationen können im Feld der Kulturdiplomatie mittels Kunst- und interkultureller Vermittlung initiiert werden?
An welche öko-soziale Ansätze des internationales Künstlers Hundertwasser kann im
gegenwärtigen Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs angeknüpft werden?
Mit diesen Fragen wurde die Veranstaltung ArtImpact2030 beim Werk „La Pioggia“ vom
internationalen Künstler Hundertwasser im Vienna International Center (VIC) gestartet..
Anschließend wurde im Kunst Haus Wien der ArtImpact2030 Manifesto unterzeichnet.
Mit diesem Dokument wurden gemeinsame Überlegungen und Aktionen der TeilnehmerInnen definiert, welche mit Beiträgen aus künstlerischen Sparten die Realisierung von globalen Nachhaltigkeitszielen und die Umsetzung europäischer Nachhaltigkeitspolitik auf der regionaler, nationaler und auf intenrationaler Ebene, unterstützen.
ArtImpact 2030
How can Art education, practice, research, and intercultural mediation support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals? To which eco-social approaches from the international Artist and Activist Hundertwasser can contemporary artist and intercultural mediators link in the current debates and developments within the sustainability discourses?
The main issues which have been addressed are:
structural peace and safety through SDG ́s, structural violence based on cultural components such as language, gender, lifestyles, and how can art practice and (inter)cultural mediation be used as effective tools for the development of the eco-social sensitivity and for awareness-raising on the necessity to implement values connected with the 17 UN SDGs in daily life practice, to prevent violence and damages in human relations, protect people and the planet from further damages and disasters.
The event gave the opportunity to the participants to present, discuss and explore Art-based methods and (inter)cultural mediation as effective tools for Cultural Diplomacy in the practice of civil society, connected with European Sustainable Development Policy and the 17 UN SDG ́s.
The aim of the initiative ArtImpact2030 is to build a sustainable international network and partnerships among artists, cultural mediators, and cultural diplomats, experts and representatives from international scientific and research institutes, cultural communities, ambassadors, media representatives, philosophers, designers, social entrepreneurs, and individuals who are actively engaged in or interested in discourses on Sustainable Development.
Furthermore, this initiative should underline the impact of Art, and intercultural Mediation, as effective tools for Cultural Diplomacy practice in the process of the European Sustainable Development Policy implementation,
as art and culture is at the forefront of the European Cultural Diplomacy together with science and technology.
The relation between Art, Cultural Diplomacy, and Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) involves the sustainability of the Art and cultural sector as well as the incorporation of Art and Cultural Diplomacy in the debate around Sustainable Development and the 17 Goals.
Art-based methods and practices as tools for Cultural Diplomacy of Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Agenda2030 are considered as most likely in communicating the importance of sustainable development.
ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy´s initiative „ArtIpmact2030“ has been created in the understanding of „Sustainability“ as „ability to care and to love our next“ in terms of respectful and attentive performance of relations within and to the natural and social environment and responsible use of all resources. The frame of this program is linked to the Art activism of the Austrian-born Artist and Activist Hundertwasser whose artwork reflects his active dedication to and interventions on behalf of comprehensive nature- and environment and peace among humans and nature. After a visit to the UN Headquarters Vienna, the program has been continued at the KUNST HAUS WIEN, where the unique Hundertwasser Museum is located and where the ArtImpact2030-Manifesto has been signed.
Welcome to join the ArtImpact2030 initiative
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