Kara Delik


Eintritt: mitglieder: € 10 | vorverkauf: € 12 | abendkasse: € 16

Berlin’s Anatolian, post-punk, new-wave group explodes with dynamic, poly-rhythmic psych-grooves, live energy, and a galactic panache for otherworldly effects.

Not content with spanning continents, musical genres, time periods, and the universe, Kara Delik is responsible for conjuring up a dynamic, contemporary psychedelic Anatolian, post-punk dub sound. The combined output of a set of musicians, each with their own stylistic legacy, have manifested something that is uniquely new and energetic, narrating the history of Anatolian rock, Krautrock, and dub, all delivered with a zesty, and explosive live punch.

Founded in 2020, Kara Delik first exploded onto the Berlin scene with their debut EP Tamam, before taking their sounds across the continent, later rewarding fans with a tetralogy of EPs, entitled Singularities I-IV.

2025 will see the release of the anticipated debut full length album of the international trio, to be released independently on April 11. The self-titled album “Kara Delik” will feature 11 tracks of the Band’s unique mix of energetic, complex rhythms, soundscapes, and effects, delivering an industrious post-punk melee of Anatolian heat.

Kara Delik are Baris Öner (he/him), Andi Sommer (he/him), and Eilis Frawley (she/her).


WIFI-Geschäftsführer Harald Wolfslehner und WIFI-Kuratorin Doris Cuturi-Stern | Foto: WIFI OÖ
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