Spiritualität und Heilen in Nürnberg native massagen

Spirituality and healing in Nuremberg native massages
written REGISTRATION under sabine@hal-lo.at

and please give me a phone number or call me shortly. THANKS

Place will be announced after registration (near Nuremberg)

HASSUNY Cherokee Bodywork
Traditional as with the Cherokee women

"Movement is LIFE" (old indian rule)

Native American Medicine Academy "rebuild the old way"
Our philosophy and thoughts, what we want to pass on to people:

Native Indian Hassuny is a dynamic concept for health and well-being.
It relies on the ancient wisdom of the traditional indigenous medicine knowledge from the native science to
improve the health and the vitality on the physical and emotional level.
Hassuny looks behind the symptoms and treats the underlying causes behind the disease and the imbalance within the body.
By activating the body's healing abilities and setting
the energy flow, a positive change begins within the body on
a conscious plane.
Long before the massages of the European people were known,
the Native amerik. With the laying on of the hands, the medicine cured the diseases.
They have used their hands to cleanse the body to remove heavy energies and restore the balance between
the physical and spiritual body.

Healing traditions are still kept secret.

Balance and harmony are crucial to good health in the indian cultures.
They say that all diseases are caused by an imbalance, the behavior of a person and by the thoughts.

The energies, as they are represented in nature, are like the human body.
Animals, stones, sacred places and rituals all have a role in the energy healing process.

Illness, injuries, and conflicts between people balance the forces of energy and the mind.
The medical professional can use a series of approaches in work to restore balance and harmony.
There is a shift of consciousness through the touch and the thoughts.
Without the use of drugs the state of consciousness changes.
The Cherokee ritual, in which the healer heats hands over the fire,
then uses the medication to enter an area of the problem of the person.
Native American. Hassuny healers place their hands on the front and back of the body and work in the spiritual field of the human body.
The extraction of bad energies from the body, as well as the blowing of the smoke, can also be used with this technique when it is needed.

At Hassuny, sacred songs are accompanied by drums and rattles.

These are just a few of the many techniques used at Hassuny.

At the same time, we are the only school teaching these ancient ceremonies from Indian medicine.
None of these techniques are practiced in European culture or shamanism.
Our Hassuny courses give people an insight into the world of Indian healing and it may be possible
that it could shock a European.

The thousands of years of ancient ceremonies are applied to the present day to heal a person individually.

We do not teach alternative medicine, but teach the original medicine of the Cherokee Indians, as it has been practiced for thousands of years.

If your really been ready to dig with oil in your hands, working with the pain of the heat and cold,
then there will be many changes in your emotions.

We welcome you in our wonderful Hassuny world.
You will never forget them, the experience of this training will inspire you and your hearts and your problems will be healed step by step.

At the moment we offer only women.

This is an original, very extreme way of teaching and healing,
it requires the self to know.
Your thoughts to control and the ego may be passed.

Native Medicine Academy "rebuild the old way"
aho medicine turtle

Wann: 13.10.2017 02:00:00 Wo: cherokee indianer camp, Obere Kanalstraße 11, 90429 Nürnberg auf Karte anzeigen
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